Covid-19 inquiry is first step towards answers for bereaved families - YEP Comment

It’s the first step to getting answers to “many unanswered questions”. Pic: ShutterstockIt’s the first step to getting answers to “many unanswered questions”. Pic: Shutterstock
It’s the first step to getting answers to “many unanswered questions”. Pic: Shutterstock
For those families who have sadly lost loved ones to Covid, it is something that just could not come soon enough.

More than a year ago Kathryn de Prudhoe helped launch the Covid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice group following the death of her beloved father.

Tony Clay, 60, who died after testing positive for Covid-19.

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Since then she has been leading the calls for an independent and judge-led statutory public inquiry into the Government’s response to the pandemic in his memory and to support so many others whose lives have been impacted by the virus.

Today she has welcomed the Prime Minister’s announcement that the Government will set up an independent inquiry.

And she said it’s the first step to getting answers to “many unanswered questions”.

And while nothing can bring back precious loved ones, Mrs de Prudhoe hopes this will “provide valuable lessons that could save lives in the future” as well as giving families the answers they are desperately seeking.

A message from the Editor:

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